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    Leanest MES

    Everything that is taking place in the production shop floor is managed and monitored by the MES solution (Manufacturing Execution System).

    Leanest MES users have a convenient user interface, specially designed for their work center, through which they can receive instructions and give feedback on the execution of work. Reporting information also can be read directly without user intervention from device sensors and controllers.

    Information storage is also important and the usage of it in making further decisions. MES checks the validity of the planning logic and the correctness of the technological data. A plan without reality reflection is static and may therefore prove to be far-fetched and unfulfillable. The task of MES is to bring the plan to life and check its viability, i.e. whether the plan is realistic and optimal for implementation in the production shop floor. Any discrepancies between the plan and reality are a good indicator for the management – something needs to be changed, rearranged or the data clarified somewhere.

    This process can be called grinding of the production process, meaning that we achieve the situation, where the work orders are automatically generated without manual intervention based on the demand entered by sales. Technologists and planners are released from routine data processing and can maintain the additions or new descriptions of technologies based on the information received from the MES feedback.

    Why Leanest MES?

    Leanest MES is a software that allows to configure the production solutions of different companies using one and the same base software. It means that the software architecture and general business logic exists already and does not need to be customized for each customer. All business processes required for production are set up for the customer, dividing them into specific sub-activities and stages.

    Customer-centric development includes only distinctive display forms and outputs through which communication with the end user takes place.


    Collection of the Product Information

    Leanest MES preserves the entire history of the product. Product-related parameters, quality indicators, turnaround times, specifications are summarized. If necessary, the information is linked to a specific product batch or series.

    Product information can be dynamically configured by the user depending on what data is collected and how it is used later. The application offers the possibility of later information analysis and statistics on various process steps and by-products.

    Production monitoring

    Optimized user interface for work centers
    Each work center in production has its own organizational characteristics and requirements for data submission and reporting. In the Leanest MES system, it is possible to take into account all these wishes in the design of a user interface and optimize for each special need. A comfortable user environment allows workers to focus on their main production activities as much as possible without wasting time on information processing.
    Production jobs reporting
    Production operators are displayed jobs according to adjusted planned time sequence and details. The information presented in the job detail view is designed separately for each company (company work center), based on specific needs, ensuring a convenient and optimal user interface when working with production data.
    Performance reporting
    Correct and accurate feedback is very important to evaluate whether the works are staying within the deadline and is the basis for checking and correcting the planned norms. Entering detailed feedback by the operator is convenient and fast, it happens smoothly without interfering with normal production work. Similar to job submission, Leanest MES job feedback is customizable to the needs of each company and work center, ensuring optimal work with the software's user interface.
    Parallel work reporting
    According to adjusted user rights, the operator can work in several work centers simultaneously. When calculating the working time and cost price, the system calculates the time proportions based on the works in operation at the same time.
    Reporting of quality specifications.
    In addition to reporting production times and quantities, it is possible to report quality-related specifications such as environmental conditions during work processing, machine operating parameters, product dimensions or other characteristics important for quality.
    Product batch actual cost price.
    For each product batch, MES system calculates the actual cost price. The cost price of the batch is divided into cost price components that can be defined by the user as needed. Cost components can be of different types according to the nature of the cost creation.
    Data repository
    The data entered on the production is logged in all specified details, as a result of which a large and important information base is created for the company, which is the basis for: * managing statistical extracts; * information exchange with other software systems (stock accounting, payroll); * when considering the actual cost price of the product; * when comparing the planned and actual cost price; * when calculating piecework and time work;* in checking resource norms.